Healthcare Solutions

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Business | Financial | Healthcare | News
February 21, 2018

8,000 Sq. Ft. Holographical Portal Opened

Buffalo Pacific has opened its first professional building to connect people with medical services, financial professionals and educational..

Healthcare | News
July 18, 2017

TelePresence Tech Featured in Dallas Innovates

"With Telemed Law in Effect, Plano Firm Launches 3-D Telepresence Doctor Visits"

Business | Healthcare | Retail
July 17, 2017

Holographical Reality™

Holographical Reality™ transmits a professional service provider to appear three dimensionally at life-size in the room with a customer to interact...

July 10, 2017

TPT Telehealth Solutions

The TelePresence Tech telehealth solution is more than a video conference application. It is an integrated collaboration...

Video Receptionist

Our reception solution is a cloud based service that is managed to transmit your receptionists to the locations where they are needed....